Today I learned something new . My teacher gave us and assignment on the stages of technology.https://prezi.com/v92blbssanme/stages-of-technology-integration-acot/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy I learned there are five stages of technology in which people can be categorized as. I didn't quite understand it the first time around but as I went over it a second time I got a better understanding.
Here w e go these are the five stages of technology
Stage One- Entry
Stage two- Adoption
Stage three-Adaptation
Stage four- Appropriation
Stage five-Innovation
Entry Stage- basically describes teachers not being comfortable with technology so they avoid using it. Stage one can be a very frustrating stage for teachers. Adoption Stage- In the adoption stage teachers may be often excited to prepare and present information but are still learning technology tools. Adaptation Stage- Teachers use technology with students in this stage. Appropriation Stage-
Is the project based learning activities that are common and students are self directed. teachers at this stage show a lot of confidence and will often seek out opportunities to bring in technology. Innovation Stage- Teachers has a choice to pick and choose. This is a stage of options. It gives students better options of technology to use.
My Teacher then asked me to think about what stage I may be at professionally and privately. I personally think I would be categorized under stage two honestly because I'm still in the process of learning how to use a lot of technology tools. I was an still am very surprised that there are 5 stages in technology integration that we all go through. I agree with the stages that are listed. I am also willing and open minded to learning more about technology to better myself as a teacher .